Thursday, May 1, 2008


Surprise-- I home!! (And, where did April go?) No, I didn't get fired; I was given an opportunity to come back to beautiful, overcast and cold, INDIANA!! Woohoo! Actually, I was thrilled because I got to be here for the birth of my first niece-- Grace! It's been so great to be home and spend time with family and friends before I head back to my true love, Colorado! I'll be heading there earlier than ever this year (mid-May) to answer the phones while the men all build a new poolside cafe! And, I know this will surprise everyone, I'll probably STAY in Colorado this time. Hawaii was great-- but the sunny beaches don't compare to the snow-topped mountains. (Of course I'll be home to visit every now and then!)


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Congrats!! My first nephew was just born on Sunday! They could totally be BF/GF. Glad you finally updated ;)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! She is gorgeous. I hope to maybe see you while you are home :)

Scott, Emily, Cara and Will said...

Welcome home Melissa! Congrats on being an aunt! She is beautiful! Glad to finally hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Awww... auntie Melissa!! We're glad you are home too :)

Beth, Brandon and Grace

Anonymous said...

Congrat Melissa on being an Aunt. What a joy! you'll have to come and visit her often, hope on the trips home we can meet up for lunch or something. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Melissa! You're niece is beautiful...hope you come back to see her often! Enjoy your true love, Colorado, and I hope we can all get together soon :)

Anonymous said...

Hey why dont you update your blog punk!!!!