Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blue Lake...

Today I didn't have to be at the desk until I got up early and hiked to Blue Lake. It is a really nice hike (unless there's snow!) that begins at above 10,000 feet and climbs to above 11,000. The temperature at the trail head (to make you all jealous) was a balmy 62 degrees! Now, back to my desk work...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! What a wonderful start to the day.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a great summer !!! But really it isn't that great compared to the one I am having at St. V's......ahahahah. We miss you and continue to hope you'll come back to us..... :) Linds

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous photo! So glad that your summer is going well. We miss you!!

Anonymous said...

shirley (OLD LADY) says WHERE IS THE ADDRESS I ASKED FOR ? I miss ya and want to hear from you. Everyone loved my postcard. It does resemble my family!!! But I repeat now RETURN ADDRESS!!Laura Miedema is leaving to work in the adult world!!